Friday 22 March 2013

Draft - Evaluation Activity 2

Evaluation Activity 2 – Draft
My magazine represents a group a social group that may be known as ‘young alts’ although my magazine could also appeal to other social groups depending on their musical taste. The style of my magazine is similar to that of Kerrang’s as it is a similar genre to what I was aiming for although mine would include more pop-rock/alt-rock articles. Kerrang and magazines similar to it such a NME often have a 4 colour palette instead of the generic three, my magazine also has four colours in its palette (red, yellow, black and white) which contrast and bring out what’s is on the page. They also fit the genre as they are often associated with bands within the genre. The colours I have used compliment each other and makes the important parts of the pages stand out against everything else. The cover artist I have used is the female lead of a three piece band. I don’t think Emily would represent Laura Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze as the genre and she as a character isn’t primarily focused on the look she brings across it is more about the music she are her band play and their interaction with the fans. Her pose fits Majorie Ferguson’s super-smiler and Trevor Millum’s Carefree pose as she isn’t being serious or pouty she is being playful and open with her expression. Her attire fits the genre as it is a print tee with ‘The Rolling Stones’ logo on it which is a well-known rock band which fits the genre I was going for, she is also wearing a reading wristband which fits the social group as they would be going to gigs and festivals.
My contents page runs with the theme of a rock/alt-rock magazine, mainly because I have kept the same colour palette throughout my magazine pages.  The written style is informal but still to the point, I don’t think this social group would be caring too much about the contents page as they are more likely just to flick through pages until they find something that catches their eye. Although they may go back and look at the contents after to see if they have missed anything. The pictures within the contents page are mainly female so appealing to the female audience they are also fairly young ladies, this should appeal to the audience as they would want to read about how the younger bands have broken into the music industry as many readers will most likely be part of a band or know how to play an instrument so talking to new bands would definitely entice the target audience to buy the magazine. Much of the contents page is focused on well-known bands or the up and coming which fits the genre as the audience wants to know what their favourite bands are getting up to and see all the tour pictures and behind the scenes stories.
Double Page Spread
The double page spread represents a playful, carefree social group which would be a small part of the main stereotype. My main double page spread doesn’t have one main photo as it is about the each band member and it shows the individuality within the band. It will appeal to the target audience as they are a fairly young group of people who are most likely naturally curious, if they enjoy ‘The Red Wolves’ music they’re going to want to know more about the origin of the music and be the first to know all the facts about the band so they can brag about it to their friends. The photos are supposed to just profile each band member as they are and then the one placed on the far right is to show them as a group and how they fit well together. The tone within the interview is light-hearted and humorous, the band members bounce off of each other well and create a friendly atmosphere it was really informal in the way that it was presented and this fits the genre as the audience would want to see the side of the artists that they don’t usually get to see.

1 comment:

  1. You must stay focused on the question Georgina. Continually link back to Young Alts and their likes and dislikes. USe the pdf from UKTRIBES which lists their hobbies and interests to connect between what you have inlcuded and what they want.

    Band 2
